Monday 27 February 2017

Individual Task-- Final Construction Advert

In this post, I will be continuing the process of creating the advert from where I have finished off in my previous post. I will be carrying on the steps and placing a video where it shows everything I have done in detail.

Step 7: Here I began to so add in the very text which will be included in my advert. This is 'New album includes'. I have first started by selecting the 'Text Tool' and created a box which I can type in. I then highlighted the text and choose the font I wanted. This was quick because I had any idea about what I wanted to choose. I then 'double clicked' on the colour swatch and added in the colour which I wanted and in this case white. I then simple clicked 'OK' in confirm as seen within the video above.
Step 8: In this step I then created another two alternative designs which I liked and wanted to try out before choosing the final font for this section of the advert. Even though my audience liked the 'OCR Regular' I still wanted to try out different fonts before choosing the final one. As you can see from the video all the once which I picked are thin. This is because it is simple professional and keeps the focus on the title. Also, ask you can see from the video I have only picked out san-serif fonts this is because they are much more professional,easily readable and engaging to my audience. I also made the font smaller than the title this is because it isn't as important and therefore the title needs to standout more.
Step 9: For this section I then picked out the final font which I wanted to go with and this is 'OCR Regular' the same as the one which my audience liked. This is because I found it most suitable and really goes well with the EDM design genre. I the started to play around with the kerning, size, thickness of the letters and much more like seen through the video. I done this by highlight the text and playing around with the levels from the top if the bar. I also made the text slightly Italic very little this is because it really goes well with the codes and conventions of and EDM advert. This also makes it seem less important as I wanted the song title to stand out more which I will be showing further into the video.
Step 10: In this step I am showing the process of me creating the design for the song titles. In this case I am creating the 'FADED'. I have started my typing it in and choosing the font I want. I have done this in the exact same way as I have mentioned above. The font which I have picked is the same as the title 'Alternate Gothic' I decided to use the same font because I didn't want to use various different fonts this will make it inconsistent which goes against the codes and conventions and it will look unprofessional and over crowded.
Step 11: I simple adjusted the positioned of the text and then added the rest of the text, which is the word 'AND' and 'DONE WITH LOVE'. The process of which I have created this is the exact same as the way I have mentioned above and for the text 'FADED' and 'NEW ALBUM INCLUDES'. As for adding effects I haven't added any for any of the text only the title. This is because I didn't want it to be too cover crowded and messy. I wanted it to be simple and consistent which follows the codes and conventions. I also used the guide lines to help me ensure I have adjusted everything perfectly as seen through the video.
Step 12: For this step, I just added the nest 'OUT NOW' and the duplicated the bar tool in order to add it again between the out now title and the rest of the text. This draws a line to the rest of the text and shows that the next be is something new. Again I fixed the positioning in order to make it perfect and in line. The process of creating this is exactly the same as I have done it previously. It is also shown through the video.
Step 13:I the added the final text 'for further information visit:'. Features which I have used such as kerning and more are seen through the video. I have decided to do this because it makes the text look more professional and not squashed together. I have also done the same for the rest of the text. As for the effects I haven't used any liked I mentioned above. I have also created other designs for this section because I wanted to see if there was font which looked better. As you can see from the video I found which I liked however, the reason why I didn't choose it at the end because I felt like it wasn't consistent and I wanted my advert to follow the codes and conventions.
Step 14: In this step I simple adjusted the positioning of all the text and features within the advert. I also added the last finishing touches which is the artist logo and the record company logo, making the overall comes professional.
Step 15: Final for this last step I wanted to experiment with adding a design to the bars. I done this by creating small boxes in the same effects and colours as the bars. I then placed it on top of the bars. However, I did not like it, it looked too over crowded and busy it also didn't look professional and for that reason I decided to remove them.
Step 16: After I finished the entire outcome I did not like the fact that the red section behind the artist looks to vivid and ruins the images of artist. I also anted the image of artist to stand out the most. For that reason I went make to Photoshop and made the colour back to how it was originally. The process of me creating this is exactly the same as I have mentioned in my previous post where I was explaining how I manipulated the images. Once I finished I simple added it make to InDesign and placed it in the correct place. I finally needed to add the effects which I did to my previous background image and the steps are the same.

This is my final outcome, I am very pleased with the final product. I feel that I really goes with the conventions and suits the EDM genre. It also links well with the music video and greats a really good meaning. Furthermore, the designing is very professorial and high quality which engages my audience and appeals to them, therefore I believe it is a very successful outcome. Also, during this process I have developed and used various different skills as seen through the video.

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