Wednesday 22 February 2017

Individual Task- Manipulating my images for Advert and CD cover

In this task, I am showing the process of me manipulating the images which I will be using for my digipak and advert. I have chosen these because from the spoken questionnaire which I have conducted my audiences liked this idea a lot more than the other and for that reason I deceived to go with what they liked best in order to attract them appeal to them more. Not only that, but I believe this idea appeals a lot more to the music video than the other design which I have created. Th following shows the manipulation process. 

The first thing I have done is that I have opened the photograph on Photoshop by going to ‘File’ then choosing the option ‘Open’ in order to allow me choose the photo I want to manipulate. When I opened the photograph on Photoshop I want to make it to have more colours. I went to ‘Quick Selection’ which is found on the left side of the panel. In order to allow me to select specific sections, in order to change the colours of them. After I chose this tool I went to the area which I wanted to change the colour of it and clicked on it. This is toe sure that I will be changing the colour of the correct section. I then went to refine edges to smooth out the selection as you can see from the third photograph it shows the settings I have applied to this selection to make it stand out and look presentable. This also reduces the sharp edges of it which stops it from showing that I have selected it and changed the colour my self-ruining the image. 
Here I have changed the line from blue to pink to see if it looks better or even more professional and attractive. I have chosen the colour pink as I was experimenting to see if it matches with the colour scheme and the back ground colour. I then have decided to take it off and go with the colour red because I found that it was the most effective and really looked good with the blue background. Not only that, but it was the most meaningful as it represented love which relates to the music video story. In addition, this is the second colour which my audience really liked once I asked them to pick out from a collection of three colours. Blue and red were the top most voted, so for that reason I wanted to satisfy both my audience and decided to experiment by adding both colour.

To allow me crop the artist in order to place him on top of the background without showing any white or unwanted background behind the person. I have started by adding the Photograph to the Photoshop in order to start cropping it. I then have used the Polygonal tool in order to crop around the person. To do this I needed to go to ‘Select’ then ‘Inverse’ to allow me delete the background easily and make it transparent by using the eraser tool and going on top of the unwanted areas. I then have decided to add a green background behind the person to see if I have missed out any small bits of the original photo. I have chosen this colour because it is a very bright colour which enables all the small background sections to really standout. This has also enabled me to smooth out the edges and make it more professional. As you can see I have ensured that I do not leave anything out and it is fully cropped out to a high standard.

These are the final outcomes after I have finished manipulating my images. 

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