Friday 24 February 2017

Individual Task- Construction Advert

I this task, you can see the process of my starting to construct my advert. I used InDesign to do this because I find it very easy easy to use as I have used it previously through my AS course. This is also a professional and high quality program which will enable me to produce a really professional outcome. This is due to all the great and professional tool which it includes. I have decided to record my self creating this rather than taking screen shots this is because through seen what I have done will give much better visual understand of what I will be explaining below it. This also shows exactly how I have played around with the setting and effects throughout the creation in order to produce a great outcome. In this post I will only be showing the first half as this is what I have completed so far.

Step 1: I have first started my inserting both of my images the background and the artist from Photoshop. I done this by select 'File', 'Open' and this selected the file which I wanted. Once I did this I then made the size bigger until it fit the page perfectly. 
Step 2: I then 'right clicked' on the image and selected 'effects' in order for the main bar with all the effects to appear as seen through the video. From this I then began to experiment with the effects and add all the effects which I wanted such as the 'Inner shadow', 'Satin', 'Basic Feather' and 'gradient feather'. From the video you can really see how effective this was and how it helped me to really make the image look better. They allowed me to make it more out stand to the audience and fade the button image with the background picture. This looks really good and better than having a sharp edge. I also went on 'Transparency' in order to make it less so that the artist images looks overlaid on the background. 
Step 3:In the third part of the video I started by creating the title which I have previously created, which my audience liked. However, at the same time I was still experimenting with various effects and features in order to see if I could have created something even better. I first picked out the font which I wanted and this is 'Alternate Gothic', I also changed the colour  to white and this is what my audiences liked during the spoken questionnaire feed back. This also really stands out and follows the codes and conventions of and EDM magazine advert. Once I done this I then started to add effects to the title as seen through the video. You are able to see exactly what I have chosen. In terms of why this is because it makes my design look really professional, simple yet very out standing. This was also something which I already knew what I was going to add as I have created the designs previously and the viewers picked the best one they liked. However, I was still experimenting with various effects and features in order to see if I could make something even better. 
Step 4: I began to experiment with further detailing into the title such as kerning, width of the letter and much more, which is seen through the video. Once I was done with this I the started to create the lines which I wanted to add on top and below the title. 
Step 5: In step 5 I started creating the bars. I done this by selecting on the 'Text tool' and then making the shape which I wanted and adding the colour to it using the 'Paint bucket'. I then did the same process as before in order to add effect to it and make it stand out so it isn't to flat. I decided to add these because I really like how they define the title and re-emphases the idea of journey, road and the title THE WALK. I also choose to make them white as it goes with the colour scheme which is white, blue and red. This makes it consistent and well presentable. 
Step 6: In this step I then began to adjust the layout and positioning of the tile and the bars. I used the guidelines in order to help me do this and makes sure everything is laid out perfectly in the centre. I also finally adding a few finishing touches to the title and the bars, such as edjusting the effects and making the bars thinner as they looked too bold and took away the attention from the title.All this and in further detail can be seen through through the video. This was the final step for this post as I haven't completed the rest. I will be doing this in the next post. 

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