Wednesday 1 March 2017

Individual Task- Construction of Digipak

Step 1: The first thing I have done is that I have added the photograph of the character and then the background as I have done the same process when I was creating the advert. After making sure the character and the background look professional I then have moved to the second step which is going to be explained in details in the second step below.
Step 2: The next thing I have done is that I have added a text. I done this by going the ‘T’ icon that is located on the left side panel of Photoshop. I then have changed the font to make it the same as the advert one in order to keep it consistent. I also knew what I needed to add to the title of the CD cover this is because it is the same as the advert. I then have went on the effects to add a stroke to the text to make it stand out more. The colour of the stroke is red to make it link to the lines of the background. I then have went to add a drop shadow which also is going to be dark read to make it consistent and be the same as the advert. Furthermore, I added a red outer-glow and satin. This will allow the title to be appealing and eye-catching. This is also the effects I have added to the title when I created the advert. This shows that I am following the codes and conventions.
Step 3: In this step I have moved on to editing the title such as the spacing between the characters and have played around with the ‘Vertical scale’ and ‘Horizontal scale’ to make the text taller and be easy to read and recognised. Then I have moved on to decreasing the size of the title and putting it into the right place.
 Step 4: In this step I am trying to add two lines that will be placed around the title. I have created them by using the selection tool to make a thin rectangle and chose the colour to be white so it links to the title. I then have moved on to adding effects to the line. The effects I have added are Bevel & Emboss, red Drop shadow, red Outer glow. When I have added these effects it made it look consistent with the title and also stand out well. I then have coped the same layer in order to save me time and not having to create it again as I wanted to place one at the top and another one at the bottom. Then I made sure the line-up to make it look professional and organised. This will make the CD cover to be attractive and eye-catching. 

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