Tuesday 14 February 2017

Individual Task- Practice Shots

This is a first set of primary photographs which I have captured during our filming process. I have particularly focused on the artist and some images of the location which will allow me to develop my editing skills.

  • Close up image of the artist face: The first image was taking in Northolt bast around the artist face and capturing the plain simple view behind him. My aim was to capture the eyes as you aren't able to see the rest of his face. For that reason I decided I wanted to gain facial expressions through his eyes only. I wanted the model, who till be the artist and featured in the video to looking  away from the camera. This is because it will give the audience a small hint about what the music video will feature. In this case him looking for that girl. He isn't distracted by anything by focusing on trying to find the girl. I decided to keep him the the costume he is wearing this is because I wanted the audience to feel more curious about why he is dressed like this making them want to buy the CD album in order to find out way. Also, his facial expressions give an angry feeling this is because he is tired and fed up just wants to find her. However, the audience do not know this and therefore by looking at this image they will want to know why his facial expressions are like this and therefore want to watch the music video. It gets them thinking and attracted to the CD and advert. As for the view behind him I didn't really concentrate on this as I will be cropping him out. 
  • Low angle hot of the artist: The second image which I have taken and may use to create my advert and Cd cover is a low angle shot of the artist looking put at view in front of him. This image was taken during the shoot of Northala fields. I really like this image because it shows how powerful the artist is. This is because the low angle shot enables the person to look powerful and dominant, which relates with the music video and what I'm trying to get across. As for him look up and way from the camera indicate he is focused on what is in front of him and nothing can distract him. By doing this it enabled the audience to feel curious and want to find out more and what he is looking at. I also, like the his position. His legs are open and making a fest with his hands. This reinforces the idea of him being powerful and strong. I also like the simple view at the back, however we can still see a bit of the city. This shows combines the two type of locations we have included in the video. First rural and second urban. Also, making it not too busy keep the focus on the artist and doesn't make the audience distract, he remains the focal point. 
  • Another approach to my photography was focused on the locations, rural and urban locations. Firstly, I have captured the city life. I have taken the image of the street and building at the back. This indicates part of the music video where he is running in the middle of the city trying to find the girl. This also shows the overall idea of the music video as he is lost in the middle of no where. In addition, the street and the buildings give the audience a hint about the location the artist will be in, however, they do not know exactly know where it is. The image also shows the artists journey as the image has the street right in the middle of the image showing it is the main focus. This indicates journey, distance or a story which the video is about. I also really like this images because it has a very centre and focus point. the slow shutter speed affect and the bar in the middle create lines going straight to the centre of the image. This makes the audience look and leading them right into the middle of the photo. Not only that, but it represents on goal, one direction which relates a lot to the music video of the artist goal in the video which is looking for that girl. I also, really like the blurred affect on the side which stops the audience from being distracted and focus on the middle. Not only that, buy it also goes with the main song's lyrics which is called 'Faded'.Therefore, this images goes really well with the video. Also, the road affects shows long journey, tiredness and endless walk. I have taken this image previously and I find that it fits perfectly with the music video and what message I want to get across.
  • Another image which I have taken during the process of shooting our video and that I may use is the rural area of the music video. I have captured this in Brentford location when we we're shooting the music video. The road and the trees again show a pathway indicating journey a walk that the artist is going through. This will give the audience a hint about the overall album and story. As for that tress and dark lighting it represents a hard and scary time which he had to go through. This is because the twigs look very pointy and sharp. Also, the road affects shows long journey, tiredness and endless walk.

The last image which I took of the location is the an overall high angle view of the city. First one shows urban location with the street and buildings. This was taking from the first section of the video. It also represents the entire story and locations of the video. As there are a lot of streets showing him traveling from on location to another. As for the other location, it is the same angle however of the rural area at Northala field. Both of these images are taken during the process of us shooting the music video. I may consider combining these to to represent both types of locations we have used.

As for the back of the music video I have considered a few designs that I want to do. For the back I haven't taken any images this is because previously I have decided I do not want to add anything at the back. This is because i do not want the CD cover to look over crowded. In addition, through my research a lot of EDM covers do not have any image at the back, it is a simple colour and this is what I might do. 

On the left hand side are some of the design idea that I have found for the back of the video which I want to do. I will be choosing one colour and creating a smoke affect. This makes the CD cover really stand out and look appealing. It also goes with the EDM conventions. Furthermore, it is very simple and not too busy just how I want my own CD cover to be. Therefore, I have not used an image at the back like I have mentioned above. This is a very appealing yet simple technique. Not only that, but it enables the text to really stand out and easily visible. 

Overall, within the next couple of days I will be focusing on gaining feedback from random audience, to make decisions about which direction I should go into. I will be also experimenting with Photoshop, InDesign and other programs to visualize my initial thoughts and ideas. This will definitely help me and my respondents about the decisions. I will then follow their answers and opinions and start my construction process by next week.

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