Saturday 18 February 2017

Exterminating With Title Designs

In this task I have began to experiment with various different styles for my title design. I use Photoshop in order to create the designs. In terms of what I will be calling the album I have comes up with 4 different names:

  • Journey 
  • One Love
  • The Walk
  • All The Way
Out of these 4 titles I decided to go with 'THE WALK' this is because I believe it is the most appealing title, as it is short and snappy compared to the rest. It also give the audience a small hint about what the album will be about yet still make them curious making them want to buy the Cd and listen to the music. It also relates really well with the music video and the other songs that will be featured inside. The Walk indicates his journey and everything he went through in order to find the girl as seen in the music video.  I also like 'ONE LOVE' however I didn't really feel that it represented the entire story and the rest of the songs within the album. therefore I felt that 'THE WALK' can indicate anything journey, story which could be about his one love. So for that reason, I didn't wanna give it away completely and wanted it to relate to idea of journey and the artists story.

I designed these using Photoshop I first started by selecting various fonts which I liked the most. I then highlighted the text and choose the colour I wanted. Once I did this I then selected on the layer which is the text double right clicked on it. This enabled a small menu bar to appear from this I selected on 'blending option' which enabled me to gain a wide variety of different effect I could pick from such as drop shadow, inner glow and much more. Beside each image you are able to see all the effects which I added for each font. Th once which are ticked are used within that specific font design. The process is exactly the same for all my fonts.

Here are all the designs which I created:

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