Thursday 16 February 2017

Individual Task- Visualizing & Developing Initial ideas using Editing software

Within this post I will display  some of my development and experiments of my initial ideas using  Adobe Photoshop. This task significantly helped me to develop my thoughts and visualize my ideas of the three final photographs that I have chosen to go with and will finaly choose only two to use in the advert and CD cover. These are the three images:
The image below shows how I will be changing the colour for the first image. As for the other two I will be keeping them how they are.
This is a screenshot displaying how I will be editing and changing the colours of the street and building image. I first started by placing the image on Photoshop. I then when on 'Image', 'adjustments' and selected 'Hue & Saturation' this will enabled me to change the Hue, Saturation and brightness of the image as I wish for it to be. As you can see the process is very simple as I am using  very professional editing software and therefore it doesn't make it too complicated and long. I have decided to change the colour because it will enabled it to relate more to the vibe of EDM. This is because electronic dance music include a lot of bright and vivid colours within there CD covers and festival. Therefore I decided to add this within my music cover in order for the audience to be able to instantly know what type of genre I am representing. I will be experimenting with different colours as showen below:
First I started by experimenting with the colour red. This is because it symbioses love which relates to the story of the music video. This colour makes the lines and compotion within the image stand out. enough though it makes it look very flat yet it still makes the audience look right into the middle of the photo. I think this maybe a could background for the advert and Cd cover.

This is the second colour which I experimented with, blue. I really like this colours as it doesn't make the image look too flat.The colour really relates to the vibe of EDM. Not only that, but it stops the image from being too busy with various colours yet still really standout and grabs the audience attention. I also like that it doesn't ruin the lines which which the viewers look directly into the middle. Furthermore, the bar looks very sharp which represents the street and creates a nice perspective. I also like how there is still shades of black within it making it two colours combined. In additon the colour blue rpresnatnt, trust, honesty, faith and loyalty. This is exactly what the msuic video is representing within the story we have created between the artist and the girl.

This is the final colour which I have experimented with yellow. I liked this colours as it isn't very bright yet still grabs the audience attention. This colour represents energy, happiness and loyalty. This is what the music video includes. As, at the end of the video we see the artist being happy to find the girl. Also, energy for him being tired traveling from on place to another in order to find her.

My next approach to the development transparent image of the artist was to overlay this with my previous image which I have experimented the colours with. I have chosen this image because it is a close up therefore it will look really good with the previous image once I place it on top. I first opened in on Photoshop, cropped the edge and made the opacity low in order for it to become transparent. I haven't cropped it out perfectly around the edges because I am still not 100% sure I will be suing it as my final design. If I pick it I will be using this at the front of the digipak and advert along with simplistic typography.

I the created a second design which I may choose to use as my front cover for the advert and digipak.

The first step I have duplicated the layer to then add a layer mask. I have done this by pressing on the layer mask by holding the ALT button on the keyboard and clicking this icon at the bottom as you can see from the screen shot numbered 1. I then choose the brush tool that is located on the left side panel. Once I done this I then simple chose the brush size and lowered down the opacity as you can see in the screenshot. I have put the opacity to 50% and brush size to 106 with 0 hardness. This then will allow me to create a duplicated person behind the original, as you can see from the second screenshot.

As you can see I have brushed the area I wanted to show in order to create a shadow of the person. I also duplicated the layer in order to create a triple exposure of the person in the third screen shot. Then in the second screenshot I am going to select the person in order to make the background to be black and white and the person stays in colour. In order to do this I will need to go to quick select tool to select the person. I then went to select then chosen the option inverse in order to only select the back ground so I can change it to black and white. Once I was done doing that I went to the menu at the top selected ‘Image’ then ‘Adjustments’ and chose the option black and white, as seen through the fifth screenshot.

This menu has appeared on the screen after choosing black and white. I then was able to make some areas darker than the others as you can see in this screenshot. In the seventh screenshot I have went on ‘HUE and Saturation’ to allow me play around with the lightness in order to make the person darker and I also decreased the saturation in order to make it realistic and stand out. I the last screenshot I duplicated layer as I wanted to change the colour of. I done this by going to ‘HUE and saturation again and have increased the hue by 24 to make it blue and saturation by 13 in order to make it vibrant and stand out then lightness decreased by 12 because I wanted the blue to be darker.

From the image adjustment option, I have selected a feature called ‘selective colour’ this will allow me to change the colour of the first layer to make it stand out and link to the EDM style as it is always colourful and attractive. In the tenth screenshot I am applying the same feature to the other layer however different settings. I have chosen the colour to purple so it stands out with the blue layer. Finally I brushed out the colour that is dissolved and made it to be only on the legs and hands so it looks professional and attractive. As you can see the first layer is purple and the second is blue as both look eye-catching and appealing.

This image the shows the final outcome. For this design I was inspired by Avicii's CD cover 'True'. I really like the didn't colours used. This really relates to the EDM music as they use various colours. I have chosen these colours music they are eye-catchy yet not to vibrant making the CD look busy. This realtes to the music video a lot as Faded is empathized through the two shadows behind him. I also made the background black and white because it removes any distractions from the view behind him and keeps him in focus.

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