Tuesday 21 March 2017

Individual Task- Evaluation 3


Survey results analysis from doaa elmnayneh

When I was planning the creation of this questionnaire as a group we decided to use questions that will enable us to gain honest feedback from the audience and gain as much information as possible in order to find out what type of features and content our target audience would like us to include in order to make it engaging and appealing to them. I decided to use SurveyMonkey in order to produce this questionnaire because it will enable me to create a quick and professional design with various techniques to use. In addition, it will allow me to send it via email and print it. Not only that, but it collects my results and produces a ready made bar graph. Due to the results of this survey I was able to produce a much better and more successful music video outcome. This is because I was able to identify the important aspects and preferences for our target audience. The main purpose of creating the questionnaire is to gain as much information that would help me and my group later on when I will need to make decisions and choices for the music video. In order to gain as much information as possible we decided to keep the survey open for the public to answer, as this way we gain more results leading us to gain a more accurate and successful feedback. The feedback which we got we very important and helped us a lot in making the music video. For instance, we have emphasised the used of  narrative concept during the entire music video, this is because of the results we gained  and in order to satisfy the audience of having a narrative concept. Overall, this we challenging and interesting, as what we have learnt from our audiences feedback was important in terms of the production for our music video.

During the post production questionnaire, it has helped me a lot in order to learn about what my consumer likes and dislike. This survey was created using SurveyMonkey in order to be able to send it online easily as well as print it and it creates my graph results easily which saves me time. This also allowed me to gain a lot of responses. The results which I gained enabled me to have an honest opinion about the final outcome of my music video. The audience's feedback showed me that the overall music video was very successful and produced to a high standard. It was also a success in terms of aiming the correct audience and producing a media product which they enjoyed. The consumer feedback also presented to me the how crucial it is to share the products as this will enable them too give constructive criticism to me and my group in order to further help em identity specific solutions for my final music video. The post production survey asked questions such as if the narrative was clear. Asking this type of question shows that the audience can acknowledge the narrative of the music video.

In addition, this post production questionnaire has enabled me to ask more questions, for example, the user enjoyed the colour scheme or the surrealism concept within the music video. This information enabled me to asses my own music video and ancillary task. From the audiences feedback and post production analysis I have learnt most of the viewers enjoyed the music video. Also, some of the viewer's were able to identify the correct codes and conventions within the video such as the colour scheme and use of surrealism.

A primary research which we conducted is Vox Pox, this is were we have a number of individuals and we asked them the same question in order to gain feedback and be able to compare the various perspectives on one question. The question which we asked the participants is "What Dance Sub-Genres Would You like To See In A Music Video Based Upon". From this question that results which we gained different as everyone had their own opinion. However, the majority said they would like to see a video creation on an EDM song. Due to this result I was able to conduct the music video around this specific genre and ensure that I follow the codes and conventions. Without this information the genre of the music video me and my group would had to do would of been very unclear and indecisive. So for that reason, the research and planning would not have been related to the genre, meaning I would have conducted in appropriate research and produced an unsuccessful product.

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