Thursday 2 March 2017

Group Work- Construction process 4

During this video you will be shown the last two scenes being edited by Zacaria. The editor firstly uses the fade feature to good effect as he uses it in time with the narrative, By this I mean that Zacaria has used the use of a fade to represent the actor sleeping, this is an effective transition as the fade clearly shows the partition between the two scenes, The fade turns into black by separating the clips. The next scene initiates with a fade in, this is a new edit similar to the fade out tool however placed at the start of the clip on the timeline and the user chooses the duration.

The editor then chooses to preform the cutting to the beat task again, Zacaraia has achieved this by taking time in listening to the audio and placing the clips where the image arts, this is shown in the videos as there are pauses before the editor is placing the clips into place, the editor has a free range of movement in where the clip goes and therefore he is able to place the clip anywhere on the timeline.

Zacaria has re used the fade tool again to great effect when showing the actor running down the hill and showing his journey. The use of the fade tool has been prevalent in our music video as it is an easy tool too replicate and reuse in different scenarios. This is a great transition period as the video shows Zacaria has cut numerous images while still referencing towards the storyboard to rehearse the chronological order.

Zacaria has used a zoom in effect with the camera leading straight towards the actors face, this is effective as it shows the characters emotions and shows the mis en scene to the audience.  The zoom in effect has now be duplicated from a following scene and used on this clip. The zoom tool is used on the clip however this time in the opposite fashion moving the camera forwards. The clip then follows the actor transitioning into another zoom in effect; this is apparent and is striking foe the audience who now are intrigued as the climax of this journey will ensue. Zacaria has moved the two clips on the timeline and has placed a fade out effect on the first clip, this shows the clip is going transparent and then proceeds into the next clip. This then follows with the use of another fade leading into a wide shot of the London skyline. This shot is very striking and shows the audience that the actor has achieved a test of climbing the mountain. The shot also shows a different perspective of the view in which the audience normally see which is on the floor.

Zacarai had a dilemma as to what shots will fit in the last scene and therefore tried and tested some of the shots in different positions along the timeline, this allowed him t o get a better feel for the end of the video and shows that his patience with the work was well rewarded. 

When reaching the climax of the music video Zacaria used a few more editing procedures in the final scene, there is a distinctive fade apparent when the actress is looking at the actor for the first time, however there is a new editing technique which zacaria used and is achieved by using two different clips together with one clip having a lower opacity achieved by editing the clips settings. Zacaria has then used a cut tool on one of the clips in order too make it seem that one of the clips is flashing, the final use of a fade is at the end and is of the two actor’s and actress walking away. Although not stated the colour correction applied is used by inserting a gradient overlay on all of the clips and adjusting the hue and saturation of said overlay.      

Summary by: Jack Baxter and Doaa Elmnayneh 

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