Monday 14 November 2016

Meeting- Representations

Throughout this meeting, we discussed the representations which will be included in our music videos. During our research, we have all decided to go with the song ‘Faded’ by Alan Walker, the video will focus on youth (finding love). This decision was mainly inspired by the original music video and another song by Alan Walker ‘Sing me to sleep’, which portrays different narratives. These two stories are based around youth searching for something.

In our music video, we decided to portray a young male and aged 17/18. The narrative part of our music videos will include a few stereotypes which are associated with modern youth, the stereotypes are usually presented within this music genre. The modern youth are strongly associated with hoodies, balaclava’s, drinking alcohol and relationship conflict will be displayed in a form of narrative, creating the sense of freedom. The idea of youth being presented as emotional, questioning their sense of belonging as well as obtaining relationship conflict might be also interesting to interpret. This stereotype can be linked to the theorist Dick Hebdige as his theory shows the youth division into categorisation of fun and mayhem. We would like to focus on the contrast between what is right and wrong.

Furthermore, the music video has a fast beat which enables us to present the models in constant movement which could be associated with the modern perception of youth and the way they spend their free time, whether it is due to partying or education. This will enable us to reach a wide range of audience. Due to the fact that youth may be interested in the representation of their age group. Reinforcing the stereotype and challenging them will enable us to produce a sense of identification with our audience, as they are more likely to interact and engage with the given narrative.

Overall, we are currently in the process of deciding on the representations with our upcoming video, but we are sure that we want to link and go into the youth representation. However, this will also depend on the actor and actress as this we are planning to use one girl and one boy in our music video to help us represent youth. We will be going with this as our questionnaire results displayed a clear answer of 1 to 2 characters. The narrative will strongly depend on this aspect. Including two models within our music video will enable us to produce a contrasting narratives of going with and against the stereotypes. We believe this combination would work as it would tell the audience a story, not only that but it would also engage the audience more into the music video.

By: Doaa Elmnayneh, Jack Baxter and  Zacaria Elarichi

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