Tuesday 8 November 2016

Lyric Analysis 1

The beginning of the song is very straightforward however can be interpreted in different ways, one way in which I initially took the lyrics was the artists expressing that when Avicii was younger life was so much easier and the "shadows" had disappeared. This could be suggesting that the lifestyle in which the artists lives now has factors in which are seen as gloomy or dark, this is yet unclear from the opening two lines however may be explained through the lyrics later in the music video.

I believe that the correlation between the lyrics and visual images are effective at the start of the music video, this is due to when the lyrics start the opening credits have finished and the pace of the music matches the high speed of the lyrics. The camera work used in this specific opening uses a variety of different locations including the inside of a car and also on top of a building which is expressed in the terms of a time lapse. The lyrics fast paced motion matches the fast paced time lapse.

The animals inside came out to play
Hey, went face to face with all our fears
Learned our lessons through the tears

The lyrics in which are above are taken from the opening verse once again. The terms "Animals" further empathises the child like manor in which the artists was stating in the opening line, This could be a feature in the EDM/Dance genre and may be something we see more when conducting further research into making our won music video in the same genre. 

One day my father—he told me,
"Son, don't let it slip away."
He took me in his arms, I heard him say,

When looking at the the next verse of the song we can now see that again the image of a younger child is presented, the use of the terms "my father" and "son, don't let it slip away" This informs the viewers that the artists has a good relationship with the father. When reading the lyrics i can interpret them as the artists reminiscing on past events with the father. Overall i can see that the lyrics are joyful and make the venires happy. This is a common conception in EDM music allowing for the consumer to feel joy and happiness when watching the music video. When comparing the lyrics to the visuals we can see that throughout the entire music video there are scenes where a father figure is apparent participating in what looks to be very joyous and adventurous occasions. The image to the right of the screen shows a father  

and son in both very formal attire, this could suggest that the two were at a formal event such as a celebration of achievements. However the shot also portrays a strong bond which is also portrayed in the lyrics, "One day you'll leave this world behind
So live a life you will remember." Suggests that the son is afraid of loosing this special connection, this is something my group will need to think about when creating the music video as it will make the music video have a clear narrative if the use of a storyline is introduced. We will take this into consideration when planning our music video as we will need our project to apply with current codes and conventions in the EDM genre. 

He said, "Go venture far beyond these shores.
Don't forsake this life of yours.
I'll guide you home no matter where you are."

When analysing this verse i am able to see that the video and lyrics directly match again. The word venturing implies adventure or to discover while the visuals of the video are also suggesting discovery and adventuring. The image to the right of the screen shows three silhouettes of what seems to be young adults/teenagers in a sunset. The sunset will also also shows adventure due to the day coming to an end and the light on the sea reflection creating a really effective moving images. 

One day my father—he told me,
"Son, don't let it slip away."
When I was just a kid I heard him say,

The lyrics shown above have a clear and simple definition, the connection between the father and son is amplified with a couple of images showing the older gentleman with a younger male. The narrative has been made clear throughout the entire music video, this will be imperative in our own music video, we will need to add a narrative to our own music video. 

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