Tuesday 22 November 2016

Artist Analysis/ Cast Notes

The following will display our final chosen actors for our Electronic dance music video. Within this section I will I will provide different facts about each actor and why we have chosen her to play each specific role in our music video. We have final decided to go within having two actors a male and a female, this is because it will be most suitable to helps us get our story and song across. It will also enabled the audience to interact and engage with the video. 

 1- Name: Ahmed Haitham - Age: 18                                           2- Name: Hannah De Castro - Age:18

Characteristics/ why we chose them as our actors: Ahmed and Hannah are teenagers who quickly take on new styles and trends. Hannah is interested in current fashion trends which she follows and regularly updates. Whereas Ahmed is interested in drama and film production. this helps us in terms of acting as we wouldn't need to direct him frequently and will know how to play the role correctly. They are both live a 'typical' teenage lifestyle. In addition, they both have very similar characteristics and this is why we choose them. They are fun to be around and provide positive influence to the people around them. It is their nature to be "young, wild & free", making them very adventurous and spontaneous. So for that reason we have chosen them to play the role within the music video. However, we have chosen Ahmed to be our main actor within the music video, this is because he is a male which represents the singer a lot more. Overall, by choosing these two characters to join our crew has ensured our filming will go as planned because they are well organised and good to work with as they are good listeners. Furthermore, both of our actors are very photogenic and have previous experiences in such projects. Due to their experiences our group will have a better advantage in sticking to the specified time and produce effective footage in order to produce and successful and appropriate Electronic Dance music video.

Summary by: Doaa Elmnayneh 

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