Monday 3 October 2016

Meeting Minute- Primary Research & Member Roles

Meeting Minutes
During today's meeting minutes, as a group we spoke about a few planning elements. In order to have the most successful outcome in terms of music video we decided to do a different primary research each. We first started by discussing and writing down all the strengths and weakness of each primary research as seen through the worksheet each of completed. Then out of the 6 different primary research we picked the top 4 to do and split them up between us as follows:

Doaa: Questionnaire
Zacaria: Focus Groups
Momeena: Interview 
Jack: Vox Pops

I have decided to carry out a questionnaire because I believe it will significantly help us with making suitable decisions. After everyone has completed their research we will have another meeting where we all discuss our results and present them in different ways.

Besides, form the primary research methods during this meeting minutes we came to a conclusion in terms of our roles within the group. We discussed our skills in order to help us pick the correct roles most suitable and successful for each of us. We finally came up with the following conclusions:

Group member roles:

- Camera person (Doaa Elmnayneh)
I decided to pick the role of camera management because I am very good at using professional cameras due to the my past experiences and the fact that I am a photography student and I have been using a professional camera and artificial lighting for around 1 year and a half. I also know a lot about different shots and camera movements in terms of why and how they are used. For that reason, I it will enable me to successfully produce professional camera shots and movements for my group and produce a successful outcome.

-Editing (Zacaria Elarichi)
I decided to pick my role as to being the editor as i thought i would understand how to                                 implement sound on the final music video. I have to understand this role properly as this is                               crucial to get the timing of the song perfectly with the shot. this would be a big responsibility


-Jack Baxter (Director)
I have decided to take control of being the director as i believe that this role best suits me, I have that throughout my time at sixth form and in my personal life i have obtained the responsibilities of. I have also taken control of this role due to the level of communication skills i posses which allows the other team members to be unified and meet on any given days. 

Summary by: Doaa Elmnayneh

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