Saturday 22 October 2016

Discussion Theory

There are five key aspects to look for when deciding a music has substance;

1)'Thought beats' - Seeing the sounds in your head
2) Narrative and performance
3) Star image
4) Relation between visuals in the music video and song lyrics
5) Technical aspects of music video
 (i.e. mise-en-scene, pace)

Michael Shore:
His theory suggests most videos revolve around 'views of adolescent male fantasies' where videos contain topics of power, wealth, girls and the ideal life.  An example music video of this is '50 Cent: Im the man

Richard Dyer: Star Theory- The idea that icons and celebrities are manufactured by institutions for financial gain.
Richard dyer has also believes that stars are constructed to represent "real people" experiencing 

Sven Carlsson: Opposites drive the narration of the video. This is usually used in performance and conceptual music videos. Sven Carlsson believes the performer is made into a selling item that people aspire to be like. 'Televised Bard' is a term Sven uses when an artist tells a story though images on screen. 'Electronic Shaman' is another term used by Sven where only the voice can be heard while images pop on the screen.

Franco Fabbri - 'A theory of musical genres' 
This theory looks into the idea of music genres, focusing on the genre as it is today. Franco Fabbri stayed that  a genre is a set of cultural practices, it is a process, not a style.

It is split into 5 different categories which are:
1- Formal and Technical Rules that direct the performance conventions.
 This is the Playing and Recording and the ideas behind it.
2- Semiotic Rules that order the way that the music is interpreted.
These are the visuals to do with certain genres and the ideology behind them.
3- Behavioural Rules that guide performance rituals.
 This is how the band and fans should act based on the genre.
4- Social and Ideological Rules govern what the music stands for.
 This is the ideology behind lyrics and the message the artists want to make.
5-Commercial and Juridicial Rules sanction the rewards for the genre.
What the artist wants to get out of their music genre.

Simon Frith;
Simon Frith believed music videos in three different types, which are:
1- Performance
2- Narrative
3- Concept  

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