Monday 24 October 2016

Artist Logo and Web 2.0

When initially brainstorming ideas upon the logo design a variety of different ideas came into mind, firstly through the conventions we saw that the logo will need the main text of our Artist. We have decided to use the art its name glitz as we believe that this best represents out artist. The term is a slang word which represents luxury or glamour, we have decided to use this name also to apply to the codes and conventions of the EDM genre, the use of alan reflect the youthful nature of our target audience and the EDM audience genre in general. We believe this name is effective as it can relate more to our target audience, the name is also short and catchy. This helps the audience to remember the name and is easily pronounced.

The first image on this page shows the initial idea we had when creating this image, for this image we have used the font "Orator STD" and have placed the font on a white background, with the combination of black colouring we are able to see a sharp contrast in the font and the white background. The longer style of fond allows the reader to easily read the font. The font can also be used on a variety of different computer software which makes it easier for us to develop the font if we later do so in photoshop.
We then decided to us the shape tool to construct a small rectangle to go under the font, we believe that this is used as an exclamation highlighting the name of the artist. The colour of the rectangle is also the colour black, we have chosen this again to match the colour of the main font and the colour scheme we wish to intend to make the logo. We have then used a combination of the rectangle and pen toll to create curves in the shapes. We have started to do this as it will allow us too create words with shoes such as the letter "G","Z" this will allow us to be more creative in the logo construction designing process. The following screen shot shows the progression we have made.

The following screen shot shows the logo creation taking place, here we are choosing the colours we believe would be effective, the colours that we have chosen are shown at the bottom of the editing page, we have chosen a gold colour as well as the original black colour. We believe that this is a great pairing as the gold colour allows the black to stand out more, when thinking about the ancillary task we are able to identify that we would need a base colour like black for the audience to see the logo, we have decided that the cloud must be either black or white however we believe that black is the best options. We have also only chosen the yellow to only cover the stroke, this makes the colour more subtle however allows the neutral black to stand out more. aster choosing the colours we had the ideas of then making the logo have a drop shadow. The drop shadow effect is very cool and unique, much like the EDM genres audience. We have decided to implement the drop shadow effects as like the stroke the effect with give the logo more charter and a better depth perception, This make the logo more aesthetically pleasing and more enjoyable for the audience to see. As shown in the screen shot to the left there is a substantial different between the first and second drafts of our logo, we believe that the second logo is much more professional and the one that is more likely going to be seen on a existing EDM music artist, the curves are very clean and makes the logo look very crisp and concise. We have decided to join the lettering together, this makes the logo look more unique and interesting, this was a hard task to do as it took a long period of time to achieve this effect using the pen and fill tool.

Next we decided to use a colour overlay the colour overlay used was a black colour overlay with the effect vivid light over the top, The vivid light effect increases the exposure of the image making the overall colour more lighter, this is effective as it allows the logo to be seen at greater distances and makes the image lees dark when constructing the ancillary tasks this will be beneficial as it allows us too change and edit the background colour of the image to make it fit well and make the logo stand out on the ancillary designs. We have then used a similar tool in the,
gradient overlay. The gradient overlay allows the logo to have two separate colours with the top half being the cloud of the original photo and the bottom half being the a colour of the users choice. The angle of which can be changed accord to the users preference, we have ultimately decided to use the colour white as the colour of our choice as this allows the image more depth and makes it look brighter. The gradient overlay is subtle due to us changing the opacity lower to the normal 100%. The logo is now finished in terms of the font and size and shape, however we believe that the logo design will need another image or distinguishing features such as the a smaller image in the logo itself. In the screen shot below you can clearly see that we have created a cower due to the shape tool that is on photoshop. There were several places in which we could have placed this shape however we believed that there instead of using a circle in the letter "I" the image below is the final logo in which we chose to use for our ancillary task and also the social media page.

During this task we were asked to create a social media page for our chosen record label group, we have decided to use the social media site Facebook due to its wide popularity and ease of access, we have also decided to use this as it will allow us to gain first party feedback from our target audience who are mostly lung and therefore familiar with the social media site.

Saturday 22 October 2016

Discussion Theory

There are five key aspects to look for when deciding a music has substance;

1)'Thought beats' - Seeing the sounds in your head
2) Narrative and performance
3) Star image
4) Relation between visuals in the music video and song lyrics
5) Technical aspects of music video
 (i.e. mise-en-scene, pace)

Michael Shore:
His theory suggests most videos revolve around 'views of adolescent male fantasies' where videos contain topics of power, wealth, girls and the ideal life.  An example music video of this is '50 Cent: Im the man

Richard Dyer: Star Theory- The idea that icons and celebrities are manufactured by institutions for financial gain.
Richard dyer has also believes that stars are constructed to represent "real people" experiencing 

Sven Carlsson: Opposites drive the narration of the video. This is usually used in performance and conceptual music videos. Sven Carlsson believes the performer is made into a selling item that people aspire to be like. 'Televised Bard' is a term Sven uses when an artist tells a story though images on screen. 'Electronic Shaman' is another term used by Sven where only the voice can be heard while images pop on the screen.

Franco Fabbri - 'A theory of musical genres' 
This theory looks into the idea of music genres, focusing on the genre as it is today. Franco Fabbri stayed that  a genre is a set of cultural practices, it is a process, not a style.

It is split into 5 different categories which are:
1- Formal and Technical Rules that direct the performance conventions.
 This is the Playing and Recording and the ideas behind it.
2- Semiotic Rules that order the way that the music is interpreted.
These are the visuals to do with certain genres and the ideology behind them.
3- Behavioural Rules that guide performance rituals.
 This is how the band and fans should act based on the genre.
4- Social and Ideological Rules govern what the music stands for.
 This is the ideology behind lyrics and the message the artists want to make.
5-Commercial and Juridicial Rules sanction the rewards for the genre.
What the artist wants to get out of their music genre.

Simon Frith;
Simon Frith believed music videos in three different types, which are:
1- Performance
2- Narrative
3- Concept  

Wednesday 19 October 2016

Lyric Music Video Analysis

In this presentation I have analysed two different lyrics music videos and gave a conclusion.

Monday 17 October 2016

Music Record Labels Research

In this presentations it shows clearly the different music record labels and some of their background information and our final choice on which record label we have decided to go with.

Summary by: Doaa Elmnayneh, Jack Baxter and Zacaria Elarichi

Summary by: Doaa Elmnayneh, Jack Baxter and Zacaria


Sunday 16 October 2016

Vos pox- Results

While conducting the research in which ultimately decideing the music genre my role was to conduct a Vox Pop in which I asked a single question and gathered a response from a varierty of different people from our target audience. When choosing the question in which I need to ask I decided to not choose a general question such as the age or gender as this will not necessarily give me a detailed account of what consumers would like to see in terms of genre. Also due to me choosing the audience  I am in control of the basic information already and therefore to gain a better understanding i will need to ask a question in which will provide the group with a more detailed response. The question i asked was

"What Dance Sub-Genre Would You Like To See A Music Video Based Upon" 

The results: 

Answer one: "I would prefer to see a EDM music video, its more enjoyable to watch and the music is much mire entertaining in my own opinion"

Answer two: "The sub genre techno would be an enjpybale music video to see from you"

Answer three: "I would most prefer to see a EDM music video, it is the most enjoyable sub genre and would be great specticle"

Answer four: "A EDM music video would be the most entertaining "

Answer five: "In my opinion the best dance sub genre to base a music video around is dub fusion"

Answer six: "I would enjoy to see an EDM music video the most as this will be a better specticle overall that i can enjoy"

When analysing the results I am able to see that the question in which I asked the participants gained a variety of different results, I asked a grand total of six people and gained a number of different responses, one of the responses is that the participant would like to see a EDM music video. EDM is an interesting choice and would require me and the group to investigate further into the sub genre due to us having limited knowledge upon the subject. The second answer provided a different answer to the question with the participant wanting to see a techno music video, this is once again a sub genre we have not researched upon and would have to do some extensive research into the sub genre. Answer 3 and 4 have both decided that their preference is the sub genre EDM, this is the same answer as the first answer therefore showing us that the sub genre EDM is popular between our target audience. Answers 5 and 6 are different as the first one stating that "dub fusion" would be the most entertaining sub here to create a music video around whereas the sixth answer once again reinstating the sub genre EDM, Overall we can infer that the most wanted sub genre for a music video is EDM, this will go into consideration of the group and we will have to have another group decision upon the matter. 

Summary by: Jack Baxter

Friday 7 October 2016


Here are a few screen shots representing questions which I thought would be valid in making final decisions about the genre of music as well as other elements of the products such as concept or characters. I thought about the choice of questions before, this is because it will help me and my group get as much help from the survey as possible. I began by asking the gender and age of the person, this allow me to ensure that the questionnaire is not biased and it is able to reach a wide range of audience. I created this survey on Survey Monkey website because it allows me to keep the questionnaire open, this means anyone can answer it. In addition, in order to make our audience even wider, I sent out the questionnaire on an school email. I also printed out a few copies to hand out to any volunteer.

Monday 3 October 2016

Meeting Minute- Primary Research & Member Roles

Meeting Minutes
During today's meeting minutes, as a group we spoke about a few planning elements. In order to have the most successful outcome in terms of music video we decided to do a different primary research each. We first started by discussing and writing down all the strengths and weakness of each primary research as seen through the worksheet each of completed. Then out of the 6 different primary research we picked the top 4 to do and split them up between us as follows:

Doaa: Questionnaire
Zacaria: Focus Groups
Momeena: Interview 
Jack: Vox Pops

I have decided to carry out a questionnaire because I believe it will significantly help us with making suitable decisions. After everyone has completed their research we will have another meeting where we all discuss our results and present them in different ways.

Besides, form the primary research methods during this meeting minutes we came to a conclusion in terms of our roles within the group. We discussed our skills in order to help us pick the correct roles most suitable and successful for each of us. We finally came up with the following conclusions:

Group member roles:

- Camera person (Doaa Elmnayneh)
I decided to pick the role of camera management because I am very good at using professional cameras due to the my past experiences and the fact that I am a photography student and I have been using a professional camera and artificial lighting for around 1 year and a half. I also know a lot about different shots and camera movements in terms of why and how they are used. For that reason, I it will enable me to successfully produce professional camera shots and movements for my group and produce a successful outcome.

-Editing (Zacaria Elarichi)
I decided to pick my role as to being the editor as i thought i would understand how to                                 implement sound on the final music video. I have to understand this role properly as this is                               crucial to get the timing of the song perfectly with the shot. this would be a big responsibility


-Jack Baxter (Director)
I have decided to take control of being the director as i believe that this role best suits me, I have that throughout my time at sixth form and in my personal life i have obtained the responsibilities of. I have also taken control of this role due to the level of communication skills i posses which allows the other team members to be unified and meet on any given days. 

Summary by: Doaa Elmnayneh