Thursday 30 June 2016

If I Were A Boy - Music Video Techniques/ Media Language Analysis

Beyoncé- If I Were A Boy Music Video Analysis

This is an R&B music genre by the astonishing tremendous singer Beyoncé. “If I were a boy” it is based about a heart-breaking love song which represents regret and melancholy. From the title of the song we are able to instantly know that the song has a miserable story behind it as she questions herself. This music video has two different sides to it. The first side of the music video which is at the beginning, Beyoncé appears as a policewoman as you can see in the screenshot and also at the beginning of the music video the man appears wearing the suit which is unusual as it should be the opposite. As you can see in the screen shot she is the one who is teaching the man how to shoot properly and also in the other screenshot she is surrounded by two man which enables us to instantly know she is betrayed as being the man. Through this we know that they have both swapped roles her being the man that she is wishing to be ad him taking the roles of her being in an office simple work environment. Towards the end the music video we see the story changing to reality. This is because man becomes the policeman and the Beyoncé appears in suit. This shows that their roles are being exchanged. This use of technique it allows us to see that Beyoncé is trying to show us as viewers how a female would act in a male environment which is very provocative because in reality we usually consist the police jobs are more suitable for male. The music video it is also recorded in black and white which makes it more meaningful and shows stronger feelings. The black and white also links to the title as it is written in past tense due to the word “Were”. This video is also mainly narrative. As a result, it includes performance based areas as I think it being a hybrid. In addition, non-diegetic sound has been mainly used throughout the video which enabled the audience to focus on the story-line more due to the video. 

In the music video the characters have been swapped and it is shown by their outfit and scene. This video shows that Beyoncé is dressed as a policewoman as for her husband he is wearing a suit which shows his high paid job. In the video, it also shows that Beyoncé is in a police car and surrounded by men, making it link to the title more and shows that she is trying to fit to the male environment as for the man he is seen in a posh high class designed office on his desk searching for jewellery to buy. This represents a straightforward comparison of the social classes and the different levels that are available in life which enables the story to be stronger. The two characters in the video are very different from each other due to the two different environments that are used and the way they act. In the video, there is a different variety of shots which are being used. Such as medium close up was being used in the beginning of the video. It was also used towards the end when the man gave her the jewellery in the car and the woman was driving. It was then used again at the party the man was driving using the same shot angle. They also used tracking shot, this is a shot where the camera moves alongside the object following his movement as this was used twice in the video. For example, when the woman was going down the stairs to see her man making breakfast and the same movement was repeated by the opposite as this will make us more attracted to the video. As for the medium two shot this is used when the camera captures two people but only showing from their waist to head. A low angle shot, was used when the policewoman character was arresting a man which this represent as being power and makes the woman seem strong, which isn’t normally associated with women. This is because they are seen to weak and sensitive. Moving on to the editing, the music video mainly had cuts which vary the speed linking it to the pace of the song and they also used slow motion and fade away. When using these techniques they have showed the important details of the policewoman which Beyoncé’s role in the music video as this empowers her in the music video. The use of fade away feature it foreshadows the story which enables the audience to get a soft feeling after they see Beyoncé in the second side of the story which is shown at the end as she is shown in totally different character which this contrasts with the use of cuts throughout the music video. They have also recorded the video in black and white as I have mentioned earlier. Black and white is known for showing deep emotions and sad tones. It also highlights the important features in the music video and make them more noticeable to us as viewers.

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