Monday 20 June 2016

Introducing Lip-sync- Preparation For Music Video

Discovering Lip-sync

During this lesson we were introduced to lip-sync. This is one of the conventions of a music video, so it is important to practice one of them before producing the final music video to make sure we get in right. We began by recording a few cuts of the lips-sync, this is because in the next lesson we will be editing it putting all the videos together and applying non-diegectic sound track to create a full short practice piece. For the research I looked at some tips to help me produce my lip-syncing, which includes:

Script and shooting location
In terms of where everything should be recorded at depends on the script and concept of the video. These locations can be found by location services online such as Google maps or scouted by location scouts, or simply just used due the cost and it is easy and practical. In my opinion, the location is a very important aspect as it represents the mood and connections of the song and what it is trying to tell. For example, it needs to relate to the lyrics so it is able to tell a story and making it interesting.

Lip-sync and body language
To produce a successful and good lip-sync the person who is lip-syncing needs to know the lyrics  by heart and has rehearsed it several time before. It is also important to play the song over speakers or headphones so they can hear it as it will allow them to make sure they stay on time and follow the beat. I can also add a metronome/click to the song this is used to help keep on track with timing. Not only that, but it is very helpful in order to direct the person to sing out loud, as it will look more realistic due to breathing, chest and shoulder movements.

As for the next lesson we will be editing and putting together the videos of the lip-syncing. Through this video we focused on the close up shot to capture the facial features, mainly the mouth. The song which we chose is 'Closer' by The Chainsmokers. Our main aim is to put it altogether perfectly and have a successful outcome. I am very exited for my next lesson as I will also be exploring editing skills such as manipulating tools for example, brightness, exposure, colour and more. 

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