Friday 17 June 2016

Discovering Filming, Editing Techniques and 180 Degree Rule

Exploring filming and editing techniques

In this task I first had to watch a short example of a western shootout. I was then put into a group and asked to recreate a short western film that conveys the codes and conventions of a western shoot. This is the first that I have been asked to help me began my A2 course. Through the creation of this I have learnt various different filming and editing techniques, which I will be explaining. This task helped me a lot and will definitely help me in my future tasks, such as the creation of my music video. This is because it allowed me to discover the cinematography in practice and allowed me to use editing tools which i have never used before. Due to this I will have some idea about the program I will be using and how to use it when it comes to producing my music video.

The video which I have placed below focuses around the theme of Western shootout movies. I have also made sure I follow the codes and conventions of this genre, which include types of shots used, idea of death, violence and the environment. 

At the start of the video I used an establishing shot which zooms in to the main area which the play will be taking place. 

What is the 180 degree rule?

The 180 degree rule is a cinematography guideline that says, that two characters in a scene should maintain the same left/right relationship to one another. If the camera passes this over the invisible axis connecting the two subjects, it is called crossing the line and the shot becomes what is called a reverse angle.

In addition, during the process of creating this short western clip I have discovered the use of effects. I particularly focused around colouring, fading and the exposure. this certainly enabled me to improve the setting visualisation into more Western atmosphere. However, it effected the colour scheme of the characters which I was not really pleased with. This is one of the elements which I would like to explore more into further and when it comes to creating my actual music video.

Overall, I really liked this task and I found it to be very help full as it give an introduction to filming.  I also gained a wide understanding of editing techniques and the 180 degree rule. Not only that, but due to this task now I know my mistakes and I will make sure I won't repeat them in my actual music video. I am also willing to learn more in my future tasks as this will prepare me and help me gain new skills for the construction of my final music video. 

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