Saturday 25 June 2016

Lip-syncing Final Outcome



This is my final out come of the lip-syncing task. After I finished recording the videos I then used adobe Premier to help me put all the videos together and edit it to produce the video above. This process was very important, because the lip syncing had to be extremely accurate with the soundtrack, I believe that I have managed to produce a successful and accurate outcome to the task.

in addition, I experimented with the editing techniques. I used cuts throughout the clip to empathize the speed of the sound track as well as to make the visual more engage and interesting for the audience. I recorded a few nature shots around the area which which I have included at the beginning and the end of the lip-sync. This was effective because it enabled me to make the video more interesting for the viewer as at the start and the end their was just instruments playing no music. Another editing technique which I used is fade out at the end of the video to end the video in a nice way not just cut it off this made it more interest to the video. However, I could have included more interfacing cuts during the lip-sync.

As for the colour of the video I manipulated the colour as well as the contrast and brightness of the shots. I have done this because the black and white effect allows the audience to concentrate on the lip-sync and avoid any distractions from the background or any other bright colours around. I also, decided to do this because the area in which I took the video in it was had a very busy and distracting background, so for the reason the best way in which to keep the focus on lip-sync and the song was to turn the colour into black and white. In addition, I could have kept the leaves and sunset section at the start and the end in colour however, I wanted to avoid confusion, too much colour and busyness within the video. I wanted to stay professional.

Overall, I am very pleased with the finally outcome of this task. However, I believe I could have been more experimental with the various editing techniques. I also could have tried out using a wide shot to portray the entire character rather tan only a close up. This would have been more effective with the interference of cuts, which I would like to experiment with before I start the main task.

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