Saturday 24 December 2016

Tuesday 20 December 2016

Actor Release Form

This is the Actor Release Form template. We are planning to use this for our production, we will send it to both of our actors as a form of permission. This document should be sent off today, which means we will get the form back soon. After we get the form back fully completed it will enable us to reassure our filming dates, and start our shooting schedule. 

Summary by:Doaa Elmanyneh and Zacaria Elarichi 

Saturday 17 December 2016

Shooting Schedule- Draft 1

4TH & 5th January 2017 26th and 27th of January if needed.
Shot 1 – 18
1.     Sound/ glitch effects at the start of the music video. Duration roughly two seconds.
2.     Time lapse of the London skyline which is shot in the Sky tower.  Duration roughly two seconds.
3.     Establishing shot showing abandoned building and or location of the scene ( Brentford bridge)
4.     Long shot of showing the bridge in a narrow perspective. (duration roughly 1 second) 
5.     Wide angle shot of the bridge and canal which will include gradual zoom effect.
6.     Medium close up of main characters back looking into the water. This will include (cutting to the beat task)
7.     Over the shoulder/medium shot to show location of Brentford bridge.
8.     Medium shot showing the Polaroid picture in the hand of the main actor.
9.     Low angle shot of the actors back picking up his back pack.
10.                         Medium shot of the actors back towards the camera walking away with the back pack.
11.                        Low angle shot of the feet of or actor walking away from the initial scene through an alleyway.
15. Wide shot of the actor walking through the alley way
17. Another wide shot of the scenery and abandoned surroundings around the actor.
Brentford Bridge
-         Camera
-         Tripod
-         Hoodie
-         Facemask
-         Backpack
-         Polaroid picture

8th-9th January 2017
Shot 19- 35 
-         Camera
-         Tripod
-         Backpack
-         Face mask
-         Hoodie

10th-11th January 2017 (24th-25th if needed)
Shot 34 - 47
-         Face Mask
-         Tripod
-         Camera
-         GoPro
-         Backpack

13th – 14th January 2017
60 - 81
-         Camera
-         Tripod
-         Roller-skates
-         Face mask
-         Backpack

16th- 17th January 2017
81- 112. 
-         Face mask
-         Polaroid picture
-         Backpack
-         Camera
-         Tripod

Summary by: Doaa Elmnaynrh, Jack Baxter and Zacria Elarichi

Thursday 15 December 2016

Location Release Form

I have created this Location Release Form, we decided to do this as it will enable us to gain permission for transport filming such as inside the bus. this will be important as we have mentioned previously in our research, in order to re-ensure safe environment. We are planning to film during off-peak hours this is so we avoid large crowds, as this may result in various risks. In addition, we are planning to ask for the permission shortly this week, which will enable us to have time to plan the shooting schedule and make confident decisions about dates of filming. Not only that, but this will surely benefit our time management.

Friday 9 December 2016

Group Work- Storyboard Final Draft

This was out final draft of the story board. We collectively discussed that there won’t need to be any additional improvement that we want to make to the storyboard due to putting a lot of time and effort in to it. We assume this is a very strong structure of the storyboard which will allow us to create a very adequate recording schedule as well as enabling us to film the scenes. There could be some improvements that we could possibly make during recording time but that all depends on how the filming goes. The main objective is to record all the shots which are shown below. However that doesn't mean we have to follow the plan and limit ourselves to the minimum as we can record other shots which possibly can help us during the editing process. This would save us a lot of time instead of going back to the locations and redo the shooting parts as we can just use the extra shots we have filmed which are not in the story board.

Additionally, within our storyboard, we have included detailed notes about the shots that we have chosen and their effect. The annotation of each shots are developed even more in the script. We have also made a timeline assisting us as it will tell us when we want our shots to start and finish. This is useful as it would help us a lot in the editing process.

Summary by: Doaa Elmnayneh, Jack Baxter, Zacaria Elarichi and Momeena

Monday 5 December 2016

Thursday 1 December 2016

Group Work- Budget Improvment

Below is the first attempt at creating our budget, The budget is an important piece if information in which we will need to contemplate while making the music video and therefore I have created a excel document in which shows us the different costs that will be involved while making the video. I have chosen to use Microsoft excel as this is a programme in which I believe allows me to best share this information. The Miscellaneous tab is purely for the flare and the other props which will need to be brought at a later date. Overall this task has allowed us to create a budget which will allow us to get a guideline upon how much money we will need to spend each when venturing out on these dates. When buying the flare the total price was £12, the contribution per group member was 

Summary by: Jack Baxter

Saturday 26 November 2016


When looking at the beginning of our music vide we intend too create a sense of relatability and humility.The actor is going to be seen holding a polaroid picture over the canal of a young female. This female will remain a mystery throughout the video however we will imply the female means allot to the actor as the joinery will be long and exaggerated to try and find her.

During the entirety of the music video we are planning to empathises the journey in which the main actor is embarking upon. The actor will be shown searching for the female in the picture. The narrative will remain the same throughout the music video however we will show a more sporadic and desperate male as the storyline progresses. This will allow the audience to gain respect for the actor as the music video continues. Various different transportation systems will be used such as buses and roller-skates, this is to show the many obstacles the actor will overcome to find love. 

The ending of the song will present the male's struggles and journeys are all worth it as he will eventually find the girl. The female will be sitting fond on a park bench representing natural beauty due to the greenery environment of the park. The whole music video will come to an end with the two walking away together after a long struggle road to finding each other 

Summary by: Jack Baxter

Group Work- Equipment and Props

Summary by: Jack Baxte, Doaa Elmnayneh and Zacaria Elarichi

Friday 25 November 2016

Thursday 24 November 2016

Costumes For The Actors

In this task, I have produced images of the type of style and clothing the actors within our music video will wear. We have decided on these clothing because through our research on dance music videos we have noticed that this style is a convention and represents this genre of music. Not only that, but this is the current trend that appeals to our target audience allowing them to interact and have a better connection with the actors. To conclude, we done this task as it helps us have a wider understanding and idea of how the overall costume will look and ensure we haven't missed out anything that we will need to get when it comes to shooting. 

Summary by: Jack Baxter and Doaa Elmnayneh 

Social Media

As for the social media, we have already created a Facebook and Instagram account for our artist. We done this in the previous posts. Furthermore, within this profile we decided to follow and like the official profile for the original artist of the song "Faded"- Alan Walker. Not only that but we also followed that official Facebook page for our chosen record label - "Ultra Music". By doing this it will enable us to stay up-to-date with the artist and record label. This will be helpful to us if we refer back to it throughout the process of our music video planning. Knowing the latest new linked to the artist and the record label will enable us to obtain more ideas and a wider understanding of the dance music genre and its sub-genres.

Tuesday 22 November 2016

Artist Analysis/ Cast Notes

The following will display our final chosen actors for our Electronic dance music video. Within this section I will I will provide different facts about each actor and why we have chosen her to play each specific role in our music video. We have final decided to go within having two actors a male and a female, this is because it will be most suitable to helps us get our story and song across. It will also enabled the audience to interact and engage with the video. 

 1- Name: Ahmed Haitham - Age: 18                                           2- Name: Hannah De Castro - Age:18

Characteristics/ why we chose them as our actors: Ahmed and Hannah are teenagers who quickly take on new styles and trends. Hannah is interested in current fashion trends which she follows and regularly updates. Whereas Ahmed is interested in drama and film production. this helps us in terms of acting as we wouldn't need to direct him frequently and will know how to play the role correctly. They are both live a 'typical' teenage lifestyle. In addition, they both have very similar characteristics and this is why we choose them. They are fun to be around and provide positive influence to the people around them. It is their nature to be "young, wild & free", making them very adventurous and spontaneous. So for that reason we have chosen them to play the role within the music video. However, we have chosen Ahmed to be our main actor within the music video, this is because he is a male which represents the singer a lot more. Overall, by choosing these two characters to join our crew has ensured our filming will go as planned because they are well organised and good to work with as they are good listeners. Furthermore, both of our actors are very photogenic and have previous experiences in such projects. Due to their experiences our group will have a better advantage in sticking to the specified time and produce effective footage in order to produce and successful and appropriate Electronic Dance music video.

Summary by: Doaa Elmnayneh 

Location Recce

Summary by: Jack Baxter, Zacaria Elarichi and Doaa Elmnayneh 

Wednesday 16 November 2016

Record Label Final Decision

When we completed researching different music record labels, we finally decided to go with the choice of the "Ultra music Records”. The main reason for our final choice is that this record label is very suitable and appropriate with the Electronic Dance genre which we have decided to go with. Not only that but we also looked another music record label "Spinnin'Records" which we considered. This is because of their specialisation in electronic dance music just like "Ultra music

Records". However, the reason why we finally decided not to follow "Spinnin'Records" is because it is based in Netherlands, meaning it would be difficult for the label to distribute and market our product to the audience whereas the "Ultra music Records" is placed in USA- a multicultural country with opportunities open worldwide. Furthermore, one of the best reasons why we decided to go with "Ultra music Records" to distribute our single is because they specify in the electronic dance music. Therefore, this will enable us to target a wider range of audience as the electronic dance music refers to various different sub-genres/ sub-cultures such as, techo, progressive, house and much more. As a whole "Ultra music Records" is a very successfully and well developed label as it was found in 1995 and worked with a verity of different artists, so for that reason choosing the "Ultra music Records" is a very reliable choice.

In addition, we finally went with this music record because we believe it is the most suitable label, this is because through our questionnaire results, the target audience is set to include teenagers and young adults. This record label has worked with various artist which target teenagers and popular music which is found at nightclubs, raves and festivals. Therefore, this music records label is definitely the one and will engage and appeal without target audience. 

Tuesday 15 November 2016

Who will appear in the video?

As group we came up with the final decision on who will be featured within our music video. We decided not to include the artist, this is because of the research we have conducted previously. The artist's do not tend to appear in the music videos. This will help us follow the typical codes and conventions related with the dance music genre and its sub-genres. The use of narrative which will be based on a male actor who will enable us to produce a music video which has a sense of storytelling rather than performance.

We are planning to use 2 actors a male and female as the story we are trying to portray will need a male and female actors. However, there is a possibility that we change and include only 1 model within the story line, depending on the time management and storyboard plan itself. Presenting 1 or 2 actors will allow us to follow the codes and conventions as the narrative often involves more than one person. The actor who may be featured within our music video are: Ahmed, Stefanie and Hannah. The actors they will be the same age as the audience we will be targeting, which will make it more appealing and suitable for the music video as it will enable the viewer to relate their personal life to the situations and scenes displayed within the narrative. Due the fact that the artist will not be featured within the music video, as group we have decided to reflect the artist within the models and this part of the reason why we decided the main actor should be male.

Furthermore, we are planning to include various filters such as thermal heat in our music video. We were influenced by the video Alan Walker- “Sing me to sleep”, where they have added this effect and more. We decided to take this idea and use it in our own video. We believe that this type of effect will allow us to produce a high quality and successful music video. 

Group work- Audience profile


Location Analysis- First Draft

Summary by: Doaa Elmnayneh, Zacaria Elcarichi and Jack Baxter

Group Work- Audience Profile

Monday 14 November 2016

Meeting- Representations

Throughout this meeting, we discussed the representations which will be included in our music videos. During our research, we have all decided to go with the song ‘Faded’ by Alan Walker, the video will focus on youth (finding love). This decision was mainly inspired by the original music video and another song by Alan Walker ‘Sing me to sleep’, which portrays different narratives. These two stories are based around youth searching for something.

In our music video, we decided to portray a young male and aged 17/18. The narrative part of our music videos will include a few stereotypes which are associated with modern youth, the stereotypes are usually presented within this music genre. The modern youth are strongly associated with hoodies, balaclava’s, drinking alcohol and relationship conflict will be displayed in a form of narrative, creating the sense of freedom. The idea of youth being presented as emotional, questioning their sense of belonging as well as obtaining relationship conflict might be also interesting to interpret. This stereotype can be linked to the theorist Dick Hebdige as his theory shows the youth division into categorisation of fun and mayhem. We would like to focus on the contrast between what is right and wrong.

Furthermore, the music video has a fast beat which enables us to present the models in constant movement which could be associated with the modern perception of youth and the way they spend their free time, whether it is due to partying or education. This will enable us to reach a wide range of audience. Due to the fact that youth may be interested in the representation of their age group. Reinforcing the stereotype and challenging them will enable us to produce a sense of identification with our audience, as they are more likely to interact and engage with the given narrative.

Overall, we are currently in the process of deciding on the representations with our upcoming video, but we are sure that we want to link and go into the youth representation. However, this will also depend on the actor and actress as this we are planning to use one girl and one boy in our music video to help us represent youth. We will be going with this as our questionnaire results displayed a clear answer of 1 to 2 characters. The narrative will strongly depend on this aspect. Including two models within our music video will enable us to produce a contrasting narratives of going with and against the stereotypes. We believe this combination would work as it would tell the audience a story, not only that but it would also engage the audience more into the music video.

By: Doaa Elmnayneh, Jack Baxter and  Zacaria Elarichi