Friday 9 December 2016

Group Work- Storyboard Final Draft

This was out final draft of the story board. We collectively discussed that there won’t need to be any additional improvement that we want to make to the storyboard due to putting a lot of time and effort in to it. We assume this is a very strong structure of the storyboard which will allow us to create a very adequate recording schedule as well as enabling us to film the scenes. There could be some improvements that we could possibly make during recording time but that all depends on how the filming goes. The main objective is to record all the shots which are shown below. However that doesn't mean we have to follow the plan and limit ourselves to the minimum as we can record other shots which possibly can help us during the editing process. This would save us a lot of time instead of going back to the locations and redo the shooting parts as we can just use the extra shots we have filmed which are not in the story board.

Additionally, within our storyboard, we have included detailed notes about the shots that we have chosen and their effect. The annotation of each shots are developed even more in the script. We have also made a timeline assisting us as it will tell us when we want our shots to start and finish. This is useful as it would help us a lot in the editing process.

Summary by: Doaa Elmnayneh, Jack Baxter, Zacaria Elarichi and Momeena

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