Saturday 28 January 2017

Group Work- Construction process 3

The following video shows the process of editing in which takes place again in Leake street tunnel. Zacaria has used a fade out offset in which lasts 0.5 seconds. The transition of these two clips is effective due to the scene of the music video also changing. Zacaria then went back to the beginning of the music video to watch and try to spot any mishaps or mistakes within the edit thus far.  

The next scene in which is shown in the video is actor changing location. As seen in the video the use of the magnifying tool on the timeline is used to change the clips per frame. This tool is very useful in the editing the music video as it allows the video to be edited more specifically, this technique allowed us to cut the clip precisely where the actor goes out of frame and subsequently changes shot location. This is effective as it helps provide continuity and allows the audience to keep guessing as to where the actor went.

The next shot in which we used was a editing technique in which Zacaria used is a zoom, the zoom effective was used in the alleyway of the Chinatown location and is very useful in making the alley way look longer than it was originally. The use of the zoom is constructed by using the magnifying tool on Sony Vegas. This is then combined the with speed of the clip to alter the speed. 

After this scene the repition of the cut was used to a black screen. This was achieved by cutting the clip at the point of which preferred and then repeating this motion several time on the timeline bar, this effective is very effective in creating separation throughout the music video and specifically in particular this scene. 

There was a subtle fade used by Zacaria, which instead of faded into black faded into the next clip directly. This effect  was successful in bringing a new element to the music video and one not previously used in the video. The effect is used by through the use of once again the fade in tool. Zacaria then faded the two clips together with the image of the polaroid picture in between the two clip by placing the image between the two on the timeline. 

Summary by: Jack Baxter and Doaa Elmnayneh 

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