Wednesday 25 January 2017

Group Work- Construction process 2

When starting the new scene the editor once again uses the technique of placing all of the clips onto the timeline, this is too sort the continuity of the music video and ensure the clips are in order to the story board. The editor then used the quick selection tool and chose multiple clips and move them across the timeline, this is a useful tool as it allows large numbers of clips to be moved and edited at once.  The editor has then used an effect called “strobe” this effect is apparent in the video when the actor is walking through the tunnel with the flare lit. The effect is used by implement fades over images and then changing the opacity of a clip that is placed behind the same clip on the timeline. The strobe effect was used a magnitude of times throughout this time period of the video and allows the consumers to feel the significance of this particular scene.

The editor then used a zoom tool over the clips to enlarge the lyrics as if the consumer is walking with the actor. This is a powerful image and shows that the audience is hopefully going to be more engaged and feel part of the music video. Throughout the construction process of our video it is clear to see through the video that the repition of reviewing the clips was prominent in our work, Due to the timeline feature we were able to edit and change parts of the music video in which we did not feel met the length requirements or the editing could be tampered with.

As seen in the construction process above the velocity of the clips were changed during the process of making, this was achieved by clicking the timeline on the selected clips and then moving the velocity line either up or down depending on the change being made. The editor in this clip was changing the velocity down and making the clip run smoother and slower. The use of the effect makes the music video contain more visual effects and make the segment slower so throughout the music video show progression, as the sped will increase as the journey intensifies. This tool was later used again on the scene in which the actor is holding the flare. 

After this Zacaria has then returned to the beginning of the music video due to the clip lengths needing to be altered at the start of the video. This was a problem consistently throughout the music video construction process and one in which was consistently changed throughout the construction process.   

Summary By: Doaa Elmnayneh and Jack Baxter

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