Friday 20 January 2017

Group Work- Construction process 1

When initially creating the music video we have started by initially trying to use adobe premier pro, we stated by placing al of the video clips into the software however due to the limited amount of knowledge we have on this software we decided to change the software in which we edited on to Sony Vegas. This piece of software is much easier to use and we are familiar with the programme.  As shown in the video we have first started the editing the music video with initllay placing the song onto the timeline.  We have done this, as it will allow us to gain a rough estimation of where the clips will need to be place and what editing technique will need to be inserted.

We then sorted the clips into a drop box in a shared Google drive account, which allows us to input the clips easily into any computer system which has the software Sony Vegas, this is beneficial to us as the Editor Zacaria Elarichi has the software at home and is able to work upon the video. After placing all of the individual clips into the software we then began too place the clips to each individual scene on the software, this started with the scene located in Brentford canal. Upon choosing the first scene due to the research in which we conducted the first clip was explained in both the script and the storyboard.  We have decided to place the initial clips at the beginning of the music video with the convention of modern media videos being used “Cutting to the beat” as shown in the video. This process required the editor to rewatch the video several times to judge the exact time the clip should be shortened too.  The editor then uses a fade effect after the medium close up of the actor this is achieved by highlighting the individual clip and leaving a space between the following clip. This allows there to be a black colour in the middle of the two clips. Once the clip is highlighted it can be edited and the effect could be used and positioned at the end if the clip

The editor has then decided to shorten the clips further due to the fear of the clips being too long and the video not matching the lyrics. The editor has changed this by use the cut tool. This tool allows the editor to change the length of the clip to either shorten or extend the initial clip we have decided to do this as it allows the editor space to retry if the music video turns out to be too long. The editor has then moved two clips together in order to use a fast beat cut, this cut is then used again in the next two following shot. The editor has achieved this by placing the clips on the timeline together allowing no space in between the clips. This is effective as it allows the transition to be fast and apply with the current codes and conventions of modern EDM music videos. 

The editor has then used an effect called “rewinding” this shot is apparent when the actor is walking down the stairs in the first location. The editor dragging the original clip over the timeline and making face created this effect the other direction. This clip is effective and looks visually pleasing for the audience. This effect is useful and makes the rest of the following clips run allot smoothly. The use of the event end tool was key in allowing us too shorten the lengths in which subsequently allows us too perform tasks such as cutting to the beat much more easily and proficiently, Cutting clips was a very time consuming process which took allot of energy and patience. Due to the replaying tool the editor is allowed to view the clips as they are being edited this is key as it allows the editor to see the changes he is making to the music video.

 Another key part of this edit was the audio, the audio was easily used placed over the top of the clips and muting the existing clips and only using the song In which we placed over the top of the visual images on the timeline. When attempting to match the audio and lyrics together we cam across that this process is also quite time consuming and took a number of tries to eventually match the lyrics and visuals. We have used this is in the times such as when the lyrics “faded” is pronounced. We have once again input the technique of fading the clips end. We have done this as the key theorist in which we studied “Andrew Goodwin” stated that in music videos there is always a link between the visuals and the lyrics.

Through the repition of the fade tool we have combined the fade and cutting to the beat task to create a visual that fades out of one clip and only starts when the beat is introduced on the following clip, this clip can be seen at 00:30 into the video, we believe that this clip is effective in the music video as it allows the audience to be engaged into the video and also adds a subtle difference to the  video in which makes the outcome look more professional.

Summary by: Doaa Elmnayneh, Jack Baxter and Zacaria Elarichi

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