Friday 15 July 2016

Narrative Theory

Narrative theory
I am going to base Todorov’s narrative theory on the music video called ‘From Eden’ by Horizon. This music video shows the theory really well and it follows the sequence properly. This is because the video starts with a family in the car laughing and being happy. Then disruption appear when they try to break into a private property. Then this distribution is recognised by the police as a police car is shown. Then an attempt happens in order to repair the equilibrium. Then finally the equilibrium is restored when the family got back together meaning that a new equilibrium is obtained due to the woman and the child are being happy again making a happy and positive relationship.

DOROV'S Narrative therory - is divided into five different elements:

1- EQUILIBRUM (happy balance)

2- DISRUPTION OF EQUILIBRIUM (When something goes wrong)


4) An attempt to repair the equilibrium is made

5) EQUILIBRIUM IS RESTORED OR A NEW EQUILIBRIUM IS ESTABLISHED (when the balanced is obtained again after something goes wrong)

PROPP'S NARRATIVE THEORY- is based around a list of different characters including:

1) HERO: Individual (s) who;s guest is to restore the equilibrium.

2) VILLAIN: Individual (s) who's task is to disrupt the equilibrium.

3) DONOR: Individual (s) who gives the hero (s) something, advise, information or an object.

4) PRINCESS: Individual (s) which needs help, protecting and saving.

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